Git 'er done.

Happy Monday.
Hope you've all recovered, or at least begun the recovery process, from Halloween. I know we have. Turns out the secret is to just KEEP DOING the Jello shots. Or something like that.
Since it seems up here in the northeast that aforementioned Autumnal candy fetishist holiday was also the gateway to real fall weather (it's been cold and rainy ever since), we recommend those of you in warmer locales head on out and do something rad in the shorter days for all of us gathered around the glowing warmth of a computer screen today.
That was quite the run on sentence.
We're still getting that Indy Fab story together, but it'll be here soon. In other, completely unrelated news yet oddly similar sounding news, now ex- Indy team manager and rad as all get out photographer Lance Dawes has a feature in the works as well.
Gonna be a good week.