Stereotypical hypocrisy, part two

There's this couple that I see around town all the time. They seem like pretty down to earth, hip folks. I know from casual conversation with them that we share a lot of political and life views, and that they are very active in local environmental movements. There is no question that they are intelligent folks. Yet here's the rub... They both smoke cigarettes.
Smoking is bad enough, it shows a definite lack of enlightenment and will power, but in and of itself is forgivable, I mean, I smoked for years. These things happen. Yet these two take it a step further. You see, they have a young child. By young I mean probably about a year old. And not only are the ignorant enough to have a kid and still smoke, they smoke while holding the child. Which, of course, categorically denies almost any and all insightful things they may have to say to me, because the sheer level of ignorance and lack of responsibility, coupled with outright selfishness, it takes to puff away while bopping your baby is staggering. It's like pulling up to protest carbon dioxide emissions in a Hummer.
Only worse.
I have to ask that you please excuse my total lack of tolerance here, but come on people, is it rocket science?